Terms of Service

Refund Policy

DenVantage is a membership plan with a yearly contract. Benefits are available during the entire contract period. There are no refunds for un-used benefits.

Cancellation Policy

Members may cancel at any time. DenVantage is a membership plan with a yearly contract. If a member cancels before the end of the twelve month contract, the member will owe the difference between the usual and customary fees for all services received and sum of all payments made through DenVantage and directly to the dentist. (Note: There are no refunds if members paid more in membership fees as membership benefits were available during the time of membership.)

Delayed Delivery Days / Shipping

Denvantage is a membership plan, and as such does not ship products or charge any shipping fees.

More Information

For more information regarding any of our policies, please contact us at (207) 266-8434 or info@denvantage.com and we will be glad to answer any questions you may have.